Did you know that one in
five adults cannot:
Fill out a job application |
Read stories to their children |
Read Warning Labels |
Write a Letter |
Here's one way to help an adult:
The Literacy Action Center teaches these
to read, write, and calculate!
The Literacy Action Center, a nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization since February 1985, transforms English-speaking
adults, who enter our program with limited reading, writing, or math skills,
into skilled, passionate, habitual, critical readers, writers, and
mathematicians! We specialize in English-speaking adults whose reading,
writing, or math skills are below a fifth grade level and live in Salt Lake
County or Davis County in Utah, USA.
Our instruction is delivered in two ways: small group instruction by paid
professionals and a core of volunteers with expertise and passions in
specific areas and one-on-one tutoring by trained volunteers. Why both?
These adults need the advantages that come with both delivery methods; each
method provides program elements that the other method cannot provide.
We educate community volunteers to deliver one-on-one instruction and
support small group instruction. Find out more about
Volunteer Opportunities.
We are not state funded. We are funded by people like you. Find out
How You Can Help support adult literacy
Please note: The adults who need our help can’t read this web site.
If you know someone living in our area who needs our help, please tell them
about us. Find out more about becoming an
Adult Learner.
Partner in Service Award
from University of Utah Lowell Bennion Service Center |
Agency of the Year
from Utah Directors
of Volunteers |
Organization Award
from Utah Association of Adult, Community, &
Continuing Education |
Becky Wilson
Inspire by Example Volunteer Award
from Salt Lake County |
Literacy Action Center - 3595 South Main Street,
Salt Lake City, UT 84115-4434
Phone: (801) 265-9081
Fax: (801) 265-9643
E-mail: lac@literacyactioncenter.org
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/
No person shall be denied services because of race, religion, color, sex,
disability, age, or national origin.
Web Site Design and
Maintenance Donated by
Mountain Technology
Web Hosting Donated by Xmission